Hey, I'm Kinsey.

I am a part-time freelance photographer based out of Des Moines, IA, and Iowa City, IA (go Hawks!!). I am currently a second-year student at the University of Iowa studying journalism and English & creative writing. I've been taking photos since I can remember, but I bought my first "big girl" camera in August of 2016. I started this business right after, mostly gaining work from a poorly-run Facebook page and word of mouth. I can't believe it's been three years! I am endlessly grateful for those who trusted an inexperienced 16-year-old holding a camera with their personal memories because without them, it wouldn't have led me to you!

Here are a few fun facts about me:

  • I have a heart for Jesus, and I carry that into my work every day.

  • That photo of me ^^^ is when I felt most alive. I was walking the streets of New York City, a place I’m sure I belong.

  • I would be far more financially sound if I could learn to say no to buying new clothes, a latte, or a plane ticket.

  • I can’t go a day without coffee. Yes, I do have a caffeine addiction that leaves me with crippling headaches when I don’t get my daily dose, but I honestly just love the taste. #darkroast4life

  • I am an avid reader and writer. My favorite conversations start with “what are you reading?” or “what are you writing?”

  • My music taste can be summed up like this: Anything you might hear playing softly in the background of a café. I can almost always be found listening to The Beatles or John Mayer, though, if you want specifics.

  • I spent the summer of 2019 interning for a small magazine company in Dublin, Ireland. Traveling is what sets my soul on fire, so those eight weeks were a dream. In addition to exploring Ireland, I saw the UK and Iceland, and it gave me a small taste of just how much is out there to explore.

  • One of my favorite things about life is having the opportunity to meet so many beautiful people. I believe that everyone you meet adds something unique to your life. That's part of the reason I love having this as a job — I get the chance to meet new faces all the time!

So now that you know a bit about me, I would love to get to know you! Shoot me an email in the "Contact Me" page, and let's chat! (: